Saturday, July 31, 2010


The girls in the Pearce home are feeling a little under the weather. It started out with Gracie feeling bad with a sneezy runny nose and coughing. Now, Avery has a runny nose and is sneezing.  And, last but not least, mommy has caught it! Of course mommy is always going to catch what the kids have because I refuse to not give kisses and hugs to my babies! Bryson feels great, but does have a runny nose! We can say he is feeling great because nothing stops him. He just keeps going and going!

 Aunt Anna came over with Grandma and GG to see the girls (and of course Bryson and Stone) this morning. Aunt Anna came from Lake Norman so she does not get to see them very often. After that, we all took a long well needed nap. Bryant went to pick up a new toy for the girls and they love it. Well, Gracie does. Avery did not stay in it too long because she was so tired. Unfortunately, we could not get a picture of Avery in it. And, Bryson likes it as well. What the heck, we let him play in it too!

Just sharing some pictures from the past couple days...

The wild little man...

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Another Day

Being a stay at home has been quite an adjustment. I love it and I love being with my kids. This is where my heart belongs. Some days are just so long. Life with a three year old toddler and five month old twins makes it pretty difficult to do much. So, this morning I decided to let Bryson play in the kiddie pool again while the girls were napping. He did not stay in there long, but he enjoyed getting out. I owe it to him to spend some time with him everyday doing something. Even if it is getting him out of the house and going for stroll with the girls. Thankfully, I have the kids on a pretty set schedule for nap time. When we came inside from swimming, Bryson wanted blueberries, his new favorite treat. Then, before I know it, it is time for lunch. Time flies when taking care of three kids. So, lunch it was.  Then we spent a little more time together coloring. He loves to color as long as I help him! The kid is fun to hang out with! The girls take a nap in the mornings and then they, along with Bryson, take a long afternoon nap which gives me a nice break to enjoy things like blogging or my new!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Get the Ball...

Sunday, July 25, 2010

One Hot and Humid Weekend

We didn't really do much this weekend but just stayed around the house. Too hot out there! I don't know about you, but we are so ready for Fall! Except for the pool. We really enjoy the pool! We did get a kiddie pool for Bryson and had lots of fun swimming in the pool here at home. Even adults can enjoy kiddie pools! Not sure what happened with nap time for Bryson. All of the sudden, it has disappeared on us. He has been refusing to take his naps, which causes very long afternoons! Bryant is going back out of town for work again this week. :o(  So, mommy is going to try very hard to get Bryson back into his nap routine! Let's hope it works!  A few pictures to share....

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Pool Fun at Home...

....we normally like to go to the "big" swimming pool. Instead, we stayed home today and had just as much fun in the kiddie pool!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

A cute video to share...

....Oh, and that is our little sweet Avery who is making all noise!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Sleep Deprivation...

Something I have been wanting to share that tickles me. The twins are now in separate cribs. We always put them in their own crib at night. We were at the bank talking to a customer service rep. about the kids and twins and sleep deprivation. Bryant goes on to tell her that one night he had picked up Avery up out of the crib that Gracie sleeps in and the whole time he was holding her he thought she was Gracie. Then, he finally realized it was Avery! Well, he never told me this until I heard it during this conversation. So, I was like, wow...I did not realize in the middle of the night that I was so totally sleep deprived that I put them in the wrong crib! Bryant thought I meant to do it the whole time so we just all got a good laugh out of it. We, especially me, have done so many crazy things due to sleep deprivation. I mean, things out of the ordinary! I could go on with a list but I will save that one for another posting!

Monday, July 19, 2010


Our twins are five months old today. In some ways, the time has gone by slow, but for the most part, it has flown by. As hard as this has been, believe it or not, it does seem like yesterday when we brought them home from the hospital. The first few months were just insane, but we could not have gotten through it without putting God first in our lives. I bumped into someone at the grocery store yesterday who had twin girls and a toddler with her and I asked her about them and told her how old my girls are and she mentioned that we are just pass the hardest part and mentioned how the first four months are just crazy. Oh she was so right!  Thank you Lord that this is slowly getting easier. I am sure there are many challenges to come! We do enjoy spending every moment with them even if it is a hard job!

The girls are growing so fast. Bryant comes home from being out of town for a week and tells me how different they look and how much their hair has grown. They are both so active. Both girls can roll over and love to be on their belly's. They are noticing each other  more but notice their big brother, Bryson, more. They just love watching Bryson. Both girls are getting so vocal and can be loud, especially Avery and that is in a cute way of course! We pretty much have them on the same sleeping schedule. They both take their one hour morning nap around 9am and then their two hour afternoon nap around 1:30. They sleep when Bryson takes his nap and that gives me a nice break. Sometimes I find myself taking a well needed nap because they still wake me up at night!

Our girls are so different. Gracie is our little miss charmer and Avery is our little miss sweet pea. Avery is a little calmer than Gracie but she can be strong willed. Gracie will let you know when she gets mad or tired. When Gracie gets tired we just simply have to lay her down in her crib right then because nothing else works except for holding her! As far as we can tell, Avery is a little more patient. When Avery cries, she has big real tears! It breaks mommy's heart!

As far as looks, Avery is still a little bigger than Gracie and she has dimples when she smiles which we just adore! Gracie's hair is so fuzzy and sticks straight up and Avery's hair is very straight and slick.

Avery is doing much better with her PT for her Torticollis, thanks to mommy who has been working so hard with her!

Both are so adorable and we just can't get enough of them! Before we know it, they will be crawling!

As you can tell in these pictures, Gracie is our little droller!

Gracie's morning nap

Avery's morning nap

A Glance Back...
Just thought I would share this. I look back at when I got pregnant and we were going to the doctor's office expecting to see our (one) baby's heartbeat on the ultrasound...and to our surprise, ohhhhhh there were two! I think my jaw just about hit the floor. We were mind blown for days. I was a frantic mess. My pregnancy was so emotional and I was so scared. It was nothing like my first pregnancy with Bryson. Now, the reality has soaked in and it is just a wonderful  blessing to have these two healthy twin girls. They brighten our day and God has blessed us with our Gracie Jo and Avery Anne for a reason...and that reason is to live for HIM. We could not get by without putting God first. Thank you Lord! We are looking so forward to the days to come and seeing our girls, and boys grow up into great kids and then great teenagers living for God and serving Him. Life is good!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Wonderful Smiles...

New Stuff....

The girls got some new baby stuff this weekend, thanks to GG Ellen and G-ma! They keep coming out with the neatest baby things. We got the girls the E-Z Bundle. This is a baby chair, swing, high chair and toddler chair all in one. No picture of the swing yet, but they love it. Grandma Travis got them a Bumbo seat which they love...especially Gracie. Bryson has decided that he likes the chair....good thing it can fit up to 50 pounds because he is already at 35! And, if you can tell...Avery is our little gymnast!

Sorry about all these links on here. I can't figure out how to get rid of them! If anyone knows...please tell me how!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Update on Avery's Torticollis

Avery saw her PT yesterday and as far as her Torticollis is going...she sees no improvement. Ugh. I kind of feel like a failure because I am really trying to work on her stretches and doing all I can do, give her tummy time and her massages. So, I need to work harder. The good thing is that she showed me a new stretch to do which Avery loves. She also showed me a couple other things to do which Avery can handle. When Avery starts to sit up on her own, she will be doing a lot of the stretching on her own and, by then, hopefully she will start to improve faster. Right now, we are doing the stretching for her. She normally hates her stretches and the PT said we have to stretch her even if she cries which makes it harder to do. I am so thankful that I can stay home now and work more with Avery and just be home with the kids. Although it is not easy, it really is a blessing as I feel my heart belongs here at home with them.

Here are some updated pictures of our sweet peas...