Sunday, January 31, 2010


I hope its not to early to say this but I think we have dodged a bullet. Since our release from Rex on Thursday I have had an uneasiness about us possibly having Hilary go into labor again. She and I sat and watched out our living room window as the snow began to fall Friday evening and discussed every scenario in the book. We considered going back to the hospital, staying with family close to the hospital, or staying home. Obviously we opted for the later and thank God we have made the right decision up unto this point. I took a drive today to survey our route for the most part and I think if there is any change in her condition, we can certainly make a safe go at it. We have a doctors appointment on Tuesday and will fill everyone in on our status afterwords. I can tell ya, after sitting on the couch beside Hilary and her tummy for 2 straight days and watching her shirt move as if she had 2 puppies under it playing tag, I think those girls are running out of space.Please continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers.


  1. That would have made for an interesting day if she had gone into labor on Saturday. Glad that didn't happen. Still praying.


  2. Those two little sweethearts were determined to be February babies! Glad everyone is safe and sound.
